Tuesday, 1 December 2015

OVR Dash board showing Crossmark

 While running OVR it was displaying as follows

While investigating I found that it was a host file issue. Host file  of OVR server & Web Server should have all entries

Step by Step guide for OVR installation

Following component is needed to Install One View Report [OVR]
  1. Create Oracle Database
  2. Install Repository Creation using [RCU]
  3. Install Oracle Business Intelligence
  4. Upload boilerplates
  5. Configure One View Reports in Enterprise One

  1. Create Oracle Database
Oracle database installation is standard process. Hence screenshot is not attached here. We have installed it on OVR Server ‘ovrsvr’ as OVR installation needs database with AL32UTF8 and JD Edwards database non-AL32UTF8. We have not ignored this error as this may create some issues in future.

Install Repository Creation using [RCU]
  1. You must unzip the file and put it in a easy to access folder. We can consider this folder as an Oracle Home (rcu Home).  In our case we have installed it in D:\\Software\RCU\rcuHome
  2. Run the rcu.bat  (Repository Creation Utility) in D:\\Software\RCU\rcuHome\bin

Create OBIEE schemas with RCU : start RCU
The following screen will appear:
Create OBIEE schemas with RCU : Create repository . Choose "Create and load component schemas into a database." and press "Next".

The following screen will appear:
Create OBIEE schemas with RCU : Select Components
Click on "Next". The following screen will appear
Create OBIEE schemas with RCU : Map tablespaces
Choose the tablespace names for the DEV_MDS and DEV_BIPLATFORM schemas.  If you want you can modify some tablespace propreties.  Click on "Next". The following screen will appear:
Create OBIEE schemas with RCU : Create
When the schemas/ tablespaces are created the following screen will appear:
Create OBIEE schemas with RCU : Completion Summary  Click on "Close" and all the stuff is done. Now you are ready to install the OBIEE Server.
Oracle BI Installation []
Download following part number from e-delivery, extract these zip files and copy to BIP Server [tne9xovr]
Extract directory name

Bi System User Name :weblogic Password : xyz111

BIPLATFORM Schema Password: xyz111
MDS Schema Username : DEV_MDS
MDS Schema Password: xyz111

Password : xyz111

Click on Finish.
Upload boilerplates
  1. Username : weblogic
  2. Password: xyz111
  3. Click on catalog
  4. Click on component
  5. Click on Edit
  6. Click on Add a New Layout
  7. Click on Upload
  8. Provide a name for the template, select "BI Publisher Template" as the type, and select "English" for locale
  9. Select Upload to save the template Repeat these steps to add the remaining EnterpriseOne template files

Giving the BIAuthor Role Access to the Boilerplates
After the Boilerplates are uploaded, you need to make sure that all users with the BIAuthor role have access to the boilerplates. To give the BIAuthor role access to the boilerplates:
  1. Log into BI Publisher with administrator privileges and navigate to the Catalog.
  2. In the Shared Folders directory, open the Components folder.
  3. Select the Permissions link in the bottom left corner under Components
  4. Select the "+" symbol (Create) and then the Search button.
  5. Add the BIAuthor role and click OK.
  6. Check all the checkboxes for the BIAuthor role and click OK.

2.4 Configuring BI Publisher Users

When configuring BI Publisher users, you need to create a BI Publisher user for each JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user that designs or authors One View Reports. You may set up one proxy user in BI Publisher for all of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne users who will only be running reports and not authoring them. This will minimize the amount of setup required. However, if you prefer to track each user individually for auditing purposes, you can create a one-to-one relationship by setting up a BI Publisher user for each JD Edwards EnterpriseOne user.
To configure a BI Publisher user:
  1. Log into the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  1. Navigate to "Security Realms" and then "myrealm."

  1. Select the "Users and Groups" tab and then click "New."

  1. Create a new BIP account by providing a name, description, and password, and click OK.
  2. In order to add the newly created user to the BI Author group:
    1. Find and select your newly created user.
    2. Navigate to the "Groups" tab.
    3. Select the BIAuthor group and move it under Chosen.
    4. Click Save.
All BI Publisher users must belong to the BIAuthor group.
Password: xyz111
  1. Click Save.
  2. Verify that you can log on to the Oracle BI Publisher server using your new user information.

Configure One View Reports in Enterprise One
a. Update SoftCoding Template using E1 – P953000
Verifying the One View Reporting BI Publisher Soft Coding using P953000
Create environment specific soft coding records using E1 – P954000
  1. Authorize One View Report Feature to user/role – P958974
After completion of above task  sign out from E1 & re-login.

Importing One View Reports - P982402
Click on Add

Click on Load Import File -> choose file 910allreports.zip [downloaded from edelivery]
Click on save

JDE will start importing OVR which is provided by Oracle

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Extracting Task Views from F9000 & F9001 using SQL Query - Oracle ONLY

I cam across a nice way to extract task view using back end SQL query.

select connect_by_root trparnttsk base,
LEVEL, trrltype, trprsseq, trparnttsk,
(select tmlngtask from  prodctl.f9000 where tmtaskid = trparnttsk) pardesc,
(select tmlngtask from prodctl.f9000 where tmtaskid =trchildtsk) childdesc,
(select tmobnm from prodctl.f9000 where tmtaskid =trchildtsk) ObjectName,
(select tmver from prodctl.f9000 where tmtaskid =trchildtsk) Version
from prodctl.f9001
START WITH trchildtsk= "Enter Base Child Task ID"
connect by prior trchildtsk=trparnttsk

This is the fastest way to extract data

Monday, 2 November 2015

After Any tools upgrade don't forget to secure JSESSIONID cookie [WebLogic]

JSESSIONID cookie should be important area of concern for every tools upgrade/installation on weblogic installation.

Follow Doc ID 2008003.1.

Enter following text in weblogic.xml before </weblogic-web-app>


There are two weblogic.xml locate in 
1. /jde_home/…./SCFHA/targets/../owl_deployments/webclient.ear/app/webclient.war/WEB-INF  
2. /MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/…./servers/<E1_server>/stage/<instance>/app/webclient.war/WEB-INF

HTTPS must be enabled in order to work this.

Thursday, 29 October 2015


This topic explains about setting of session timeout for JAS Server for WebLogic server
Session timeout is a crucial setting. Setting the timeout value more than 30 minutes may cause high memory usage and out of memory error. Following setting is for 30 minutes timeout

1 Session Timeout Settings for Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS)

The web.xml file is missing the session-timeout descriptors.  The session defaults to 1 hour.
  1. Locate the two web.xml files for the weblogic installation as given below:
>> web.xml in the Server Manager Agent installation directory on the JAS Server:
......targets/webinstance name/owl_deployment/webclient.ear/app/webclient.war/WEB-INF/web.xml

>> web.xml in the Weblogic installation directory:
......user_projects/domains/.../servers/machine name/stage/webinstance name/app/webclient.war/WEB-INF/web.xml
  1. Make a backup of the above two web.xml files. Add the following stanza at the end (right before </web-app>) of both these web.xml files:
  1. Bounce the web instance once.

Additionally, the E1 parameter that comes into play is the UserSession in the JAS.INI file:
  • UserSession=1800000 this value is equivalent to 30 minutes.
  • This will expire the JDE user session after 20 minutes of inactivity despite a higher setting in the Weblogic XML files.
  • NOTE: The UserSession inactivity is checked in fixed intervals set by the variable cachecheck from the same section in JAS.INI. This means that if the UserSession is 30min and cachecheck 5min, the session will actually be expired at any time between the 30min and 34min59sec, this means the first time the cachecheck runs after the idletimeout is exceeded.

Here is additional information on timeouts:
  • The user session for WebLogic needs to timeout before the user session for JAS.  For instance, if the user sessions for WebLogic are set to timeout after 60 minutes of inactivity, then the user sessions for JAS needs be set to timeout to somewhat more than 60 minutes (like 70 minutes).

  • If the timeout is set to 60 minutes, the user’s session will be cleaned up (removed) the next time a cachecheck task is executed and the session has 60+ minutes of INACTIVITY, hence upon clicking any application users are taken to the login page for a new session to be created (this is how it will work). Note: If the cachecheck interval is 10min, the session idle time could go from 60min to 59min59sec before it's expired.
  • The UserSession will only be active for as much time as mentioned in the JAS.INI file or the WLS session timeout value whichever is LOWER. Note: the UserSession must also take into account the variability of the expiration time depending on the cachecheck intervals.
  • If the session needs to be active for upto/beyond 2 hours it is necessary to increase this to 2 hours (120 minutes) in both the WLS session timeout settings and the JAS.INI file and bounce the JAS Server for the setting to take effect.
The DOWNSIDE of this extensive timeout value is that the user session will be kept in memory for a longer time which in turn the JVM will support fewer sessions.  If more sessions get created (more users login) and remain in memory for a longer time there is a chance that an OutOfMemory condition will be reached.  Consider fewer users per (JVM) JAS instance if user sessions are going to be "alive" for a longer time.  Oracle Support recommends a timeout value of 30 minutes with 60 minutes being the high end.