Monday, 11 July 2016

How to install Enterprise One 9.1 FAT client with Oracle 12c Database

FAT client installation on JD Edwards 9.1 Tools 9.1.4.x & above with Oracle 12c DB
If deployment server is on 12c then it is better to have all FAT client should be on 12c E1Local database. There are two different ways by which we can install this.
Before going ahead as a precaution if group/user policy is not properly applied then FAT client installation will fail. In this case remove FAT client from domain & install Oracle Client & E1Local DB with local administrator in the WORKGROUP.
There are two ways by which we can install FAT client.
Scenario 1
  1. Install Oracle 12c 32-bit client

  1. Install E1Local database 12c. We can do this using Document ID 1956351.1

  1. Install Enterprise 9.1 development client installer.

  1. Configure the local web

However, there is one easier way by which installation of E1Local 12c database for FAT Client.
We need to download the E1Local installer from the edelivery Apps 9.2 Deployment Server. It is there in the Part Number V77456-01 & V77457-01
Also you need to unzip all Part numbers on local drive of desktop. We’ll need bin32 folder – This is required to change enhanced encryption database to legacy encryption. Copy bin32 folder to X:\JD Edwards\E910\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\bin32.
Unzip last two part numbers in X:\JD Edwards\E910\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\ORACLE. We can copy this as existing 11g DB installable file names & 12c DB installable files names are different.
Edit InstallManager.htm from X:\JD Edwards\E910\OneWorld Client Install.
Change following text

<a class="sectionItem" id="LaunchLink" link="ThirdParty\ORACLE\OEESetup.exe -i" href="InstallManager.htm">EnterpriseOne Database Engine</a>

<a class="sectionItem" id="LaunchLink" link="ThirdParty\ORACLE\OEE12Setup.exe -i" href="InstallManager.htm">EnterpriseOne Database Engine</a>

This is one-time task but in future for any new FAT client installation this will be helpful.
Now the steps are as follow for
scenario 2
  1. Uninstall 11g E1Local & 11g Client

  1. Install Oracle 12c Client

  1. Run InstallManager.exe from X:\JD Edwards\E910\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty

  1. There is new feature of Enhanced Encryption which is introduced in tools release 9.2. To work E1Local in tools release 9.1.4.x & above, this should be in Legacy encryption. To check this we need to run ReconfigureDB.exe from to X:\JD Edwards\E910\OneWorld Client Install\ThirdParty\bin32


  1. Sometime it has been seen that Registry entry for E1Local was missing under the location [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE]. The solution is available in Doc ID 2075006.1

As Oracle Doc ID states following solution to this
Follow the below instructions to copy the registry key KEY_E1Local from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_E1Local to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\KEY_E1Local.

  1. Open registry application. (Click on Windows Start Button --> Run --> regedit. Press Enter).
  2. Locate the E1local Key under location
  3. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_E1Local] and Export the key KEY_E1local.
  4. Save the .reg file on the desktop.
  5. Edit this exported .reg file (using a text editor). Replace the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE
  6. Save the file, and import it by double clicking this .reg file.

  1. Install EnterpriseOne 9.1 Fat Client

  1. Configure the local web